I'm currently printing this lamp for my son for Christmas. It's designed with a Bambu labs LED light strip in mind, but I plan on using my own strips and a very compact wled controller that can be powered by USB C.
My issue is that I've printed a couple lamps before, and I've never had a great (or even good) solution for the power cable. I've just had it sticking out the back of the print through whatever gap is included in the model. I'd like to include something a little more intentional and robust, especially since it's for a 10 year old. It would be great if there was just a USB C port on the back that he could plug into any random adapter (this short of a strip should be powered by any adapter we have lying around in this house). The port on the back could just be a pass through, with a tiny internal USB C cable coupling the wled controller. I'm hoping for something as small as possible. I've found a couple on Amazon, but they're nearly an inch wide which won't fit into this model or many others.
Any suggestions?