I made a post on this subreddit yesterday asking for good deals on 10kg multicolor PLA bundles, and while I received some great responses the actual colors offered in the bundles were mostly disappointing. 2 shades of grey and a black, 3 shades of brown / orange, very little variance overall. Maybe 3/10 of the colors offered in most of the bundles were ones I actually wanted.
While it's not necessarily something that I'm going to be purchasing all the filaments for now, the idea of working towards having all the colors I need for this Settlers of Catan set (not necessarily the exact colors, but similar ones) is a cool idea to me, but I'm never going to get there with the filament bundles I've seen. So I was hoping someone could point me to a good filament vendor with customizable bundles where I can only get colors I actually want. They don't have to be colors like that print, that would just be a plus. I'm not even necessarily looking for stuff like silk / matte PLA, just interesting colors of normal PLA or PLA+.
Thank you all in advance!