@remixtures As a Romanian living through this insanity, it's very much in the middle.
Effective use of disinformation on tiktok, but if that was the spark, the entire country was covered in gasoline and ready to go beforehand.
A leading party (PSD) that has effectively undermined the state of law enforcement and election integrity since the fall of communism.
An alternative (PNL) that ended up allying with PSD as a naked power grab.
An ineffective opposition (USR) more interested in chasing headlines than coordinating opposition.
A rising tide of conspiracy-brained neo-fascists that existed and were protected before Georgescu hit the scene.
And now, in the middle of a country in the process of burning down, we have a new parliament that's 1/3 fascists, 1/3 anti-fascists, and PSD playing politics like it's just another day at the office hemming and hawing about who to support.