The old school version has been in my queue for a bit, but it looks like I’ll be waiting a while longer. First gameplay clips look pretty sweet.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality - Quest, PCVR, PSVR2, Pico, Mixed Reality, ect. Open discussion of all VR platforms, games, and apps.
This game will have different puzzles so I would still suggest playing the original! Just make sure you get the latest version of ScummVM, the "remaster" is kinda buggy and janky, and the previous digital release uses a super old version of ScummVM that lacks autosave and a couple other good features, like the option for Easier AI which you might end up needing lol
This was one of my favorite games as a kid. Countless replays. Not such a fan of its sequel but definitely getting into this one.
The 11th Hour is rough, made a bit better if you use ScummVM (maybe along with the "Easier AI" option), and if you also learn how the cryptic riddles actually work
Or just skip to The 13th Doll because it's much less frustrating lol
I haven't played it since I played it on CD-ROM, but I did beat it several times. I'd wait just long enough to forget the solutions and go again.