this post was submitted on 17 Oct 2024
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The original public health order in September 2023 ignited a furor of public protests, prompted Republican calls for the governor's impeachment and widened divisions among top Democratic officials. It also sought to strengthen oversight of firearms sales and monitor illicit drug use at public schools through the testing of wastewater — before expiring on Saturday without renewal.

"I have decided to allow the public health order to expire, but our fight to protect New Mexico communities from the dangers posed by guns and illegal drugs will continue," Lujan Grisham said. 1722182413229.png New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on "Face the Nation" on July 28, 2024. CBS News

Gun rights advocates filed an array of lawsuits and court motions aimed at blocking gun restrictions that they say would deprive Albuquerque-area residents of 2nd Amendment rights to carry in public for self-defense. The implications for pending lawsuits in federal court were unclear.

The standoff was one of many in the wake of a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision expanding gun rights, as leaders in politically liberal-leaning states explore new avenues for restrictions.

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago

Was anyone arrested or charged under this? This is such a weird thing to spend money on fighting. She's a democrat by the way.