So my sister is 27 got involved with a man that abused her and had his child. She works a slightly above minimum wage job and lives in NY. She has tried to get government assistance but her income is slightly over. This is where I come into the picture.
I do well for myself and after our grandpa passed away I offered to buy out my mother and sister since they wanted to sell his house but I wanted to keep it. The house is in Colorado. I have been fixing it up over the last 3 years. My mother and sister want me to let my sister move into the house. Now normally I would say sure but I don't trust my sister. She is currently in eviction proceedings for none payment.
If I let her in I know she will not pay me. She still owes me for the time I paid for her to go to Texas for her friends bridal party.
I get you supposed to help family when they are in need but idk. I just don't trust her to do right.