H O W- oh. Wand of blasting, I see
Pixel Dungeon
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Am I missing something about wand of blasting?
You can use it to blast non-airborne enemies into chasms which instantly kills them. It'll give you significantly less XP, but can get rid of problematic enemies real fast.
Still, it's astonishing to be able to beat 9 challenges w/ so many self-imposed limitations!
Oh, crap... I just assumed that they spawned on the next floor like items so I avoided doing that in case I overwhelmed myself later on lol
They splat on the way down. Their loot lands on the next level though, which gets interesting when you chasm kill something that drops a flame potion into flammable terrain. You see the latter happen occasionally in demon halls when you chasm kill scorpions. Breakable when thrown items break when they fall down a chasm so you end up spawning potion effects at random places around the next level.
careful positioning allows you to knock enemies into pits, consistent insta-kill.
Oh, crap... I just assumed that they spawned on the next floor like items so I avoided doing that in case I overwhelmed myself later on lol
Don't feel bad. I've beaten the game and even ascended several times and am still learning new things.
Absolute madlad... You have my respect
That's astonishing! /me bows down with respect
You are a much better player than me!