I kinda don’t mind the eyeballs any more since I figured out how to step out of their beam and they can drop water. But yeah I’ve definitely been killed by them before too
Pixel Dungeon
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Same, but when multiple appear, or they shoot you off screen, or you just can't dodge it you just want them gone. Also, why a magic driven character has the most hp out of every enemy in the demon halls? And who does it have a (really big) damage reduction (yes, it is damage reduction, not defense, as magic attacks are also affected by it) when charging? I just hate that guy, so unfair most of the time
Back when I was still learning the game I would just rush through the demon halls without fighting any enemies. Good times.
Wait you can fight the rat king?
Na u actually can't but it might count as an enemy internally or smth dunno didn't check. Found it in the template, so put it in the best tier.
I'd put the swarm of flies in the top tier, since they're your first opportunity to farm health potions.
Yes, but their annoyingness and the fact that they have half the health of an evil eye... B tier
Where ebony mimic?
Hiding as always to fuck you up when you let your guard down.
and there is no OOF Thief as well, since they have a special place in hell
Monks maybe underrated they can fuck you up with the multi attack
I usually play a upgrade-a-plate-armor-up-to-plus-one-two playstyle, so they don't bother me as much in that aspect. Now, the focus feature speaks by itself. Yes, I throw ranged weapons at them if they are distanced to break their focus, but still.
I'd put the gnoll shamans and the dwarf warlock in a new tier at the bottom. I hate those guys.
As a noob I hate the sneks and their random dodge streaks
A way to deal with them is to have them follow you to a door. Once you go through the door and they enter it, you're guaranteed to hit. They usually die on the first hit. Just make sure you know what's behind the door :-)
Thanks, I had no idea ! Even though I accidentally did it a few times
Pro tip: use the looking glass icon on an enemy to know how to kill it
Gnoll trickster is just chill. Literally chill behind a door and whack it every 3-4 turns when it opens the door. And it appears in an easy already emptied level, unlike Scorpios where finding a door to chill is hell in the first place.
Yes, but that strat is very luck dependent. You have to be lucky enough so it actually walks through the door and not, idk, roam through the level without touching your door.