Its consenting adults, let them do their thing.
after a 10 year old girl participated
Well, now it is controversial. Are we "teach not to stare" or positivity gone to far? Don't blame the victim, but don't jump in the bear cage either.
A place for odd or quirky world news stories.
Elsewhere in the Fediverse:
Its consenting adults, let them do their thing.
after a 10 year old girl participated
Well, now it is controversial. Are we "teach not to stare" or positivity gone to far? Don't blame the victim, but don't jump in the bear cage either.
Is it that controversial? Kids run around naked all the time. The idea of this bike ride is that people can be naked just for the hell of it, without being sexually objectified. Banning kids from it would fly in the face of that.
When that 10-year-old grows up I imagine they'll be quite proud that they made a bunch of stuffy town councillors bust a blood vessel just by riding a bike around naked.
Families go to nude beaches and resorts, and it's not a big deal. If it's your first time going to a nude beach or something, it can be nerve-wracking for the first 15 minutes. For most people there, it's a Tuesday, and they are busy reading a book or doing the crossword.
People just blend into the background like any other beach!
It's an interesting one - I arrive at a news story like this ready to make saddle bag and bicycle seat jokes and am left contemplating Original Sin.
Kids get naked and run round on the beach and elsewhere - should we make them feel shame for it? My cousin's grandson gets naked at the drop of a hat, which is a bit of a surprise the first few times but, after that, you just roll with it. Now if my cousin started doing that, then we might worry about her.
Nudity isn't inherently sexual. The idea that children should never see non-sexual nudity is... Well, it's a great way to instill a lot of body shame in kids (and later adults). So I guess if that's your game...?
I agree with this. You may not want to see other people naked but it's not necessarily gross or sexual in any way. Hell anybody with kids knows that up until a certain age they're bound to see you naked you just can't help it not if you want to keep your kid alive
When I click on the link I get this
"451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. For any issues, contact [email protected] or call 608-271-4321."
Does that mean they don't give the opt-out cookie usage prompt and therefore sticking tracking cookies on users PC?
The fact that http451 is a reference to Fahrenheit 451 is hilarious
Weird - it didn't do that to me earlier. I used to run across quite a few like that because they didn't want to abide by EU laws, but it hasn't been so bad recently.
There used to be one in Fremont (Seattle)...wonder if they still do it