6.60 eu is about $7.13 usd
In NJ US $7-$8 a pint is normal for Guinness /import or craft beers. The lite piss water domestic beers are usually a dollar or two less.
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6.60 eu is about $7.13 usd
In NJ US $7-$8 a pint is normal for Guinness /import or craft beers. The lite piss water domestic beers are usually a dollar or two less.
Similar in Denver for breweries. Restaurants are $8-$12 a pint depending on the place. Mixed drinks are $10-$20 for a single.
It’s not that long ago when we could get a pint for €5 but I haven’t seen that in a while (although, I know there is a pub who does it)
Iceland serves the local piss for around 10 usd / 9.5 eur. Probably double that for something better.
Sounds like Temple Bar