Am I crazy but wasn't this show terrible? Interesting first episode that ended up going nowhere?
I'm surprised enough people remember it to celebrate the 10th anniversary.
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Am I crazy but wasn't this show terrible? Interesting first episode that ended up going nowhere?
I'm surprised enough people remember it to celebrate the 10th anniversary.
I don't think it was bad if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I watched it.
I might be too harsh on it. I didn't get past episode 7 or 8.
i remember it being pretty good in the beginning and not bad towards the end. it isn't making any top 10 lists but it was enjoyable with a unique premise
I can't believe it's been almost ten years since I dropped this show.
I quite liked it at the time. The music in particular
Personally I hated it.
I thought the story was horribad and the main two characters were not likeable at all. Also, since I watched this anime for the first time only 2-3 years ago, the concept of terrorists disseminating their messages via viral riddles on a Youtube-analog already seemed quaint and outdated to me.
It had very good art direction and animation, though.