Yeah I remember this being a thing. Well, it wasn't a thing, but parents and teachers thought it was.
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Yeah I remember we would joke about it as if it were real because of the ridiculous rumors but I didn't know that anyone actually believed it.
In my day they were "fuck tabs" people would wear the soda can tabs and depending on how whole or not they were way how willing you were
Countrywide Financial Corporation's Loyalty oath bracelet.[15] In 2007, the consequence of not signing a loyalty oath was "lose my job".[16]
Reads like a wikipedia parody site. Are they insinuating that "lose my job" is an euphemism for something?
It's just an inelegant rendering of a quote in [16]:
A very good friend of mine holds a very senior position at Countrywide. He called me this morning and said that he needs to get a green wristband saying "protect our house" on it and that he will need to wear it all of the time (at work and outside work as it is not removable). I asked him what the consequences of not getting such a wristband. He said "then, I will lose my job."