What a mixed bag; I don’t like the episode, but I respect a couple of elements of it.
- the decision to “Voyager” the Breen to the Galactic Barrier was borderline inhumane (the very name is racist); but, as a solution to the issue it was one that was both Star Trek, and used the seasons long arc of the Spore Drive technology.
- The coda was fine, I love the Admiral’s uniform, but the son’s one looks like an ill fitting wetsuit. Also, the scene on the beach, what the hell, they clearly didn’t make their day and just had to use the footage they got, leaving grainy, blown out shots for Book.
- The zero-g fight was…bad. It had all the impact of a Marvel fight scene.
- The attempts to explain Calypso were admirable but pretty janky.
- Seeing Action Saru become “Diplomaniac Saru” was great.