Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time.
Whilst you are faced with a multitude of issues, don't get lost in the weeds by details when you are trying to untangle the past to move it forward.
A simple spreadsheet to track hardware, licenses and other details like location, specs and primary contact is a perfectly reasonable starting point.
I say that because you don't know what you don't know yet. You might for example discover that some shops are doing their own thing, regardless of company policy.
Creating a ticketing system is useful to track stuff for everyone. I settled on trax
with web access to people who need it, but the computer literacy levels might prevent some from using this.
Burnout is a very distinct possibility in an environment like this, so make sure that you set aside time for you to think. Call it a meeting, call it an on-site visit, whatever you do, take time to think.
Also, remember to backup your work. It's not unheard of for it to vanish unexpectedly if you are perceived as a threat.
Source, I've been working in this profession for 40 years.