wtf is up with that roofing architecture
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It's an architectural trick that can fool your brain into thinking the house is larger than it really is. It's more common on terrestrial dwellings though, rather than the aquatic ones.
I heard you like roofs…
And while it was there it became worth $6.4m.
Fuck, 360-degree ocean view? I'm going $9.5m lol.
On the outside chance that people don’t know this already, it’s a houseboat. It’s being moved from the inner bay to elsewhere. Love the jokes though. :)
Okay, but look. When I was 8 and first head the term “houseboat” this is exactly what I pictured, except my version had a garage where you could launch smaller boats from.
I wasn't expecting a particularly happy back story, but finding 'eviction' in there still surprised me.
Clickbait: Two story house boat
X will mark the place, like a parting of the waves!