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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Georgeo57 on 2023-08-17 18:07:26+00:00.
There has never been a more exciting and promising time to get into AI development. Forbes reports that job listings for ChatGPT-related positions increased 21 times since last November:
They need both prompt engineers and programmers. But because of Copilot and other advances in AI programming they are looking for people with some basic programming skills but who mainly excel in advanced critical analysis and reasoning skills.
They basically need people who know how to think so for people with IQs above 130, (in the genius range) this could be a dream career. But really it's not so much about IQ as it is about the ability to think rather than just mostly learn and remember. In fact programming courses must already be teaching this brand new kind of prompt engineering and programming.
I imagine that computer programming instruction is going through very rapid evolution right now as teaching fundamental programming skills more and more gives way to teaching how to most quickly and intelligently prompt AIs to do whatever programming is needed.
If incumbent programming schools are not changing fast enough they risk losing a substantial market share to startups that begin teaching much more marketable skills.
Many businesses today want to start using AIs but they don't know how to go about it. Computer programmers and prompt engineers who can explain all of this to them have a ready and rapidly growing job market.
Yeah there could never be a better time to get into computer programming!