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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Coding_Insomnia on 2023-08-18 04:24:13+00:00.
I don't mean free as in a public library. I mean free as in air tv or radio, I don't understand why this isnt a reality yet, why do we still must pay for (most of the time and places) shitty internet connection.
Why haven't big companies come up with a way to give out free internet to users as a platform for ads to be placed, honestly it feels like Im paying to get access to get bombarded with ads whenever I try to access any website nowadays.
A future with interconected humans and an advanced AGI optimizing everything needs to at least have a way of public internet globally, just like radio was and has been for decades.
Also paid internet access doesn't need to disappear either, just make a plan with fast access and no ads or something, just don't understand it. We have old infrastructure just being shut down by ISP's (edge, 2G, copper, etc) that could be useful enough to load basic web pages or instant messaging. It is like the same situation with food, we currently produce enough food to end world hunger but somehow humanity just doesn't want to distribute it. Just a tought that's been bugging me lately when I think of the singularity.
How would you make sure we all get global free internet access? What are your thoughts? I'd love to read you.