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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/MatematicoDiscreto on 2023-08-18 20:08:41+00:00.
In a world where machines have taken all or most jobs due to the development of AGI or ASI, it's natural to consider a way to sustain workers who have been replaced, and one such way is through a UBI. This way, their basic needs like food or housing would be covered, allowing them to engage in non-work activities such as leisure.
But what about transhumanism? If humans could digitize their minds and even detach from their biological bodies to replace them with artificial ones, there wouldn't even be a need to worry about things like eating, sleeping, etc.
It's true that certain things like savoring a meal or engaging in sex might no longer be possible, but consider other possibilities, such as, for example, venturing into space without the need to worry about oxygen or a space suit to shield you from radiation. Not to mention aging – that would be a thing of the past.