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The original was posted on /r/samsung by /u/RagingChiliShiz on 2023-08-18 10:59:46+00:00.
The last few days my alarm has not been working properly. When my alarm goes off it just beeps one time. I went into my alarm settings and toggled my alarms on and off thinking that might fix it but it didn't. When I try to choose a ringtone sound for my alarm it says "unable to play during a call" but I'm not in a phone call. Anyone else having this issue? Anyone know how to fix it? I can restart my phone and it fixes it but then it does it again, don't know what's causing it and don't know how to fix it. Anyone know how to fix it or what's going on? My alarm didn't go off this morning and it made me late for work. Need help ASAP.
ETA: I have a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.