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The original was posted on /r/ubiquiti by /u/ViProCon on 2023-08-18 14:09:54+00:00.
Hi all, a 2nd issue on my newly stood up Unifi network (UDM SE to USW-24 Pro, to 8 x older UAP-AC-Pro/LR units).
Interestingly, one LR unit on one floor, is meshing to the LR unit below it in another floor. Yet, not to the AC Pro about 50 feet away with clear line of sight. Just interesting.
But I'm wondering, what options does the Unifi stuff give for troubleshooting why an AP decided to mesh to another AP instead of using it's wired link back to the USW-24 Pro? Of course I assume the cable is the problem. But there's nothing in logs that I see for the APs that say anything about this. The AP gets power from the PoE port, so I assume some pins are working. But there's nothing in any logs, I believe, to indicate "Pin 1 short, switching to Mesh mode" or whatever.
Does Unifi stuff have any capabilities on this? I'm used to Meraki switches telling you when ports are having issues and why. Or am I on my way onsite to do a cable qualification test here? :)