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The original was posted on /r/sysadmin by /u/yamamsbuttplug on 2023-08-18 07:46:15+00:00.
I'm in the final day of a printer rollout project and we have decided to move away from scanning to folders, opting for scanning to email instead.
I was speaking to a staff member late last night about this and he wasnt very happy with the change, I understand some people just dont like change... I got him to show me his process and what he has to do after scanning. In his defence, scan to email does involve more work for the users.
the reason for moving away from folder scans is mainly due to moving into azure files, and wanting to save storage costs. I'm abit unsure If I should push back to my manager and see if network scanning could be possible the cost would be extremely minimal, but really unsure of the security implications.
Any advise?