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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/VariationPleasant940 on 2023-08-17 18:39:11+00:00.
Hi fellow Belgians, long story short I'm French and don't really speak Dutch/Flemish (I'm learning but I'm still far from doing paperwork in dutch). I'm thinking of buying a home to live there for a couple of years and then rent it (around brussels - leuven), and flemish region is really much more interesting in terms of fees and taxes.
I could not find the answers, so I ask here. For buying a place I'll probably hire a translator, but can we still do classic paperwork (annual tax thing, random stuff at city hall ... ) in French or English (for non written things) there?
Ps: I know about the special arrangement in Kraainem, Drogenbos, Vilvoorde ... but those area are too expensive and there's too little choice.
Dank u