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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/ImNotDrunk12 on 2023-08-17 19:49:06+00:00.
In the GN video Steve brought up the possibility of conflict of interest that LTT may have with some sponsors.
For example, the head of labs used to work for Asus. Asus has been doing some pretty shitty thing to their customers in recent years. Asus has been so bad that JayzTwoCents drop Asus as a sponsor and I believe GN did as well.
Let's try to get LTT to actually respond to this. This is one issue that they refuse to address.
Edit: I just wanted to address this. People seem to be getting really defensive over this post. People are going after JayzTwoCents and GN for their sponsors, which is fine. If you feel JayzTwoCents or GN are being unethical, then you can expose them. My point was how anti consumer Asus has been. I don't think LMG should be promoting their products and expect to view them as the "good guys".
JayzTwoCents video