The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Skinny_Dan on 2024-05-17 13:06:51.
Hi, new to Usenet, perusing providers. My understanding is that retention has to do with how long servers keep files (in other words, the maximum age of files they keep).
So when Frugal Usenet advertises "300 GB High Retention" on their annual unlimited plans, what does that mean? Does that mean they only keep files up to 300 GB in size? This is the first time I've seen file/storage size used in reference to retention.
EDIT: I'm an idiot. I failed to realize that theentire phrase was "Plus 300 G High Retention Blocknews Account"—referring to a bonus block account on a different backbone that they were throwing in with the subscription—because the rest of the phrase was on a different line and I didn't realize they were connected. So I was reading an incomplete fragment of a phrase.
Also, from what I'm reading in the comments, the 300GB bonus Blocknews account is no longer valid due to some Blocknews contract fuckery.