Vermin: retweets a Anarchist account
This illiterate schmuck: Is Vermin a tankie????
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Vermin: retweets a Anarchist account
This illiterate schmuck: Is Vermin a tankie????
They just thought it was a Bioshock enthusiast account
Wait is he saying it's a bad thing?
Not sure which account you are referring to but I'm gonna take Vermin's comment in good faith and assume he making fun of the other account for not understanding the difference.
I met Vermin Supreme at the Granite City Comic-Con a few years back
We talked for a minute
Cool guy, nice attitude, smells exactly how you imagine
smells exactly how you imagine
Like everyone else over there?
He should be President. Not for any policy, but because "President Supreme" sounds really cool.
You don't like free ponies?
Communism is when people get help.
Or a free boot to wear as a hat
I wasnt sold on this communism stuff, but then I got a free boot to wear as a hat.
The kind of "lesser evil" I'd vote for.
I mean he's like a contrarian boomer. Awesome guy though, but definitely still largely stuck in previous eras, but his comedy is supreme. ZOMBIE POWER. TIME TRAVEL NOW!
You know I'm starting to suspect verminsupreme is actually a Communist