My ex was an alcoholic and one of thr reasons we slit up washe was barely sober on weekends towards the end. Liked to drink 30+ cans in a weekend, which I didn't know was problem drinking until much later. It was a giant hole in our finances too, when she wasn't even working either.
When we started dating she thought it would he fun to try and get me drunk. So we spent one night with all these various drinks and hard liquors and she made stuff for me to drink. I hated every single one. The only one thay I could even finish was kahlua mudslides because it was mostly a chocolate beverage but it still tasted like horrible alcohol.
So I never drink anymore, it is expensive and tastes bad and people are usually asses when they're drunk. The most I'll have is a sip of champagne at a celebration but it tastes like hogwash so one sip is all I can handle.