The most pragmatic answer is to learn Python.
The most pragmatic approach to that is Automate The Boring Stuff with Python which is free to read online. But it might be a little dated and you said you want to learn some basics which I take to understand as underling fundamental theory of programming which it doesn't provide.
Think Python, 3rd edition, which is also free to read online and was just updated to use Jupyter Notebooks, is a great introduction to the fundamentals of programming theory, but it is lengthier and will take more time to get to practical projects.
If you really want to get into an introduction to Computer Science theory, it would be hard to find a better introduction than A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing which is used at Brown University as well as others in their introductory Computer Science courses. It's can also be read online for free.
For website things, the MDN Web Docs hosted by Mozilla is the best resource out there.
For Linux server stuff, Linux Upskill Challenge is a wonderful resource.
Have fun!