Notably, she also gets past Karn's static "protection from phyrexians", at least when dealing damage (making her more aggressive since they still can't block).
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Love the targeted hate here! Cool design.
I don't know a ton of eldrazi cards but is the static supposed to hit a lot of them? The biggest one that comes to mind is the opponent's creatures not triggering [[Eldrazi Mimic]] I think but I might me reading that static ability wrong.
Eldrazi mimic would still work, this would mainly affect things like the Eldrazi titan's "on cast" triggers, as well as a few other eldrazi.
Here's a scryfall search of cards it would affect, with more premiering in this set with it.
Edit: scary fall (lol) > scryfall
Oh I see! Yeah that's a way better static then, love that. Would love to see something like this in MH3 as well tbh as it sounds like they’re pushing eldrazi again.