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"yum, guinea pig" - some Peruvian guy, probably
You know we can see your username, right?
*oh, fuggin "waaah, not the downvote dogpile" that clearly doesn't get the joke: "Satanic" yet against eating little critters. Jog on, kiddos.*✌🏽
No, I thought usernames were private and not displayed to anyone.
But seriously, the idea I’m trying to convey is that I believe that each individual is responsible for their own learning. I think we have to actively pursue for ourselves the knowledge we need to understand both ourselves and the world around us. Although we all can (and indeed must) turn to other people for guidance and understanding, it’s absolutely essential that we practice our best judgement rather than treating anyone as an all knowledgeable guru.
I wasn't disagreeing with you in the slightest, and in fact may even be a proud supporter of a certain "temple" along with you, citizen. 🤘🏽
That aside, I found it amusing that a debbil-worshippin' heathen was judging others for eating vermin. 🤪😱
Ahh, completely understood.
Many of the satanists I know have rodents as beloved pets. Some even have chihuahuas.
ohgoodgawdno 😶 You truly run in demonic circles, fellow meatsac. 🤘🏽🙇🏽♂️
Remember what he said.
Mouse is friend not food
Glis glis
All mice are edible if you put your mind to it
Not hungry, pass