The "I can't believe they're still paying me"
The only event on my calendar is O-----------------------------------------
my performance review from last year.
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Can't leave early" crowd except the last meeting is canceled last second most of the time, and when they do happen they either take 10 minutes or 90, and make about as much progress either way.
Phantom Menace for life
It's all about "where did today go?" I have my classes setup with gaps so I can ensure I've got materials ready, but once you have three lectures per day with gaps, that only leaves a few hours for anything else. Throw in a couple of committee meetings, a student meeting, and bam! I have 20 minutes of the day available for email, lunch, paperwork, grading, and any kind of planning whatsoever (ha!).
That’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for me. Sometimes in that order.
Where did today go, everyday.
I reject many of the invites, but still end up with just enough to make sure that any work I want to do will be late in the evening.