Liberals when talking about human rights: :) Liberals when talking about the enforcement of human rights: :(
The Lemmy equivalent of r/195 on Reddit. Not officially affiliated (yet).
Any moderators from the reddit can have mod here, just ask.
There's another 196 over on [email protected]
Most people use the one so this place isn't very active.
Tankies ≠ leftists ≠ liberals
Plenty of leftists want human rights and even know we'll need a revolution to get them, but the USSR and CCP were not ever communist, they were authoritarian oligarchies disguised as communism. The same way the US is not a democracy or a republic, it's an authoritarian oligarchy disguised as one.
The USSR wasn't perfect (and Stalin ruined most things that were good obviously) but they weren't any worse than the USA or the west.
Your reading comprehension really is something to behold. You basically just disagreed with me by saying exactly the same thing I just fucking said.
Yeah okay, fair enough, I kinda only read the start and end of your post. I guess I agree with you then. I still think the USSR gets too much hate in general though. I vociferously defend the USSR around liberals and attack it around M-Ls lol.
I'm a Liberal through and through and I'm all in favor of enforcing human rights.
That's great, but liberalism as an ideology in the real world is pathetically weak on the right.
Yeah, the Liberals only destroyed the Nazis and Imperial Japan in WWII, saving the USSR in the process.
Not to mention jailing far right nutballs whenever they step out of line.
Much worse than running gulags for anarchists. /s
The USSR did 90% of the work in beating the Nazis though. As for jailing the far right, it sure doesn't look like it, just look how many of them are running around encouraging stochastic terrorism against the LGBT community.
The USSR only fought the Nazis, and then only after allying with them.
The west also did a ton of non-aggression pacts and friendship pacts with the Nazis. Also; Poland was fascist at the time too.
Poland was not in a good place politically, but it wasn't Fascist, and the USSR didn't just make a friendship pact with the Nazis, it went to war alongside them. Stalin was an opportunist who made a dumb decision, not a principled anti-Fascist.
Sir, are the talkies in the room with us right now?
are they even in this 196
Not in this one they're all on the tankie instance
well it sounds like the tankie instance needs blocked then. What instance is that btw?
The instance is called
and already blocked by most of the other instances. You can see blocked instances if you scroll down the page and click on the Instances
Their 196 is called moretankie196
What's a 196? What's a tankie?
A 196 is a meme sharing forum with the name 196. I don't really know how to describe a tankie, but something like: a leftist person who glorifies autocracy and the use of force to make a leftist utopia.
«tankie» is a term used to describe communists who support or are critically supportive of so-called "authoritarian regimes" (AES (actual existing socialism) such as Cuba, the USSR, China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Laos, etc.) or their actions.
The guy driving the tank rather than standing in front of it.