For some reason 4 is cripplingly addictive for me every time I pick it up but I can't get into any of the others
All things about Fallout series.
I really like the first game. Talking the master out of their plan is incredible and the game world is so interesting to discover. I learned a lot of new English words from it, and because the characters talk with slow text on the screen it is easy to follow compared with speech.
honestly probably fo4, though its a close match with fo3
the gameplay improvements and loop just entertains me for significantly longer, despite fallout 3 having better atmosphere, and fallout 4 having a lot of issues in practically every part of its design
at least besides far harbor, my beautiful baby boy
While I still love fallout 4, the change to the power armor bothered me, like a lot lol
i actually prefer the power armor in fallout 4, its more accurate to the lore and feels a lot more imposing and impressive
it coukdve used a lot of balancing though, especially regarding power cores
That was mostly it, the power core thing. Half the time you were looking for them.