a backpack. that way, i can put in a raincoat, a sweater, groceries, whatever else i might need
Bike Commuting
A place on the fediverse to share and discuss about commuting by bicycle
I'm usually wearing cargo shorts, so evening stays in the pockets. I don't care for wearing a backpack if I can avoid it. A saddlebag is nice if I have to pack a laptop.
Everything in the backpack, I don't like stuff in my pockets while riding.
a toptube bag, in my case the one that sits in front of the handlebar stem, with one single zip along the long axis so I can open/close during ride (I had used the similar bag but with zip all around rim of the bag, and that was pain to meddle with mid-ride).
Saddlebags hold a surprising amount of stuff! Small frame bags are also a good option.
Never in a hoodie, learned that lesson.
Key ring that clips to my belt loop. Sometimes I do a fanny pack.