[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

BSD developers: who cares about that. And, it is already happen. Android libc use lots of code of OpenBSD libc. OpenSSH is used everywhere.

GNU's ssh implementation seems to be some abandoned trash, even though it was started in 1998, before OpenSSH. If OpenSSH doesnt exist, we can hope that everyone will be using differently broken ssh implementations; I'd expect gnu ssh to be a buggy, unreliable implementation which support hundreds of thounsands of flags and configuration options. Workers everywhere will be punished because of their buggy implementation of ssh. Why workers in every companies have to make their own ssh implementation? They should be doing something else.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(This is probably my last words, since I’m now a danger to the security of China :) )

I think everyone in privacy communities have heard about an infamous joker named “TheAnonymouseJoker” who spread comments against the GrapheneOS project. This article clarifies his motivation for writing those things, from a person works in the same industry as him.

I analyzed the content of TheAnonymouseJoker’s post, beside spreading misinformation about GrapheneOS, he also praise Chinese hardware, Chinese phone, and:

98% Chinese people approve of their Chinese government.

Which is the only thing I found correct.

So we know that TheAnonymouseJoker is working for the China government. This is already said by some people.

But why he has to spread misinformation about GrapheneOS, interfere with the personnel of this project?

We know, GrapheneOS is used by “journalists”, people who “fight for free speech”, “fight for human rights”. These “journalists” can only say bad things about socialist countries (for example, whenever its Fall, they will write a post: “Hanoi’s fall is beautiful, but foul!”, this is same for China, those “journalist” even argue on how bad Beijing is and why it should not be China’s capital). You see, those “journalists” are very smart when they are generating misinformation, but they are not smart enough (and don’t have their time) to do a research on what phone and software they should choose. TheAnonymouseJoker found this weakness, he crazily tries to spread misinformation about GrapheneOS, to make those stupid “journalists” stay away from a secure operating system, use CalyxOS and whatever insecure “degoogled” phone, backdoored Chinese phones, and that’s good for China’s security since the “journalists” phones will lose control or explode whenever the government want…

Sun Tzu already said: If the enemy is united, separate them. If we cannot attack the enemy with our army, separate them and attack the pieces.

TheAnonymouseJoker’s other posts, guides are trashes, we don’t need to care about them here.

Praising for Chinese hardware? Yeah in Viet Nam, we have campaigns to support Vietnamese goods. Should be same for China. Every people doing cyberwarfaces praise for local goods.

Writing is hard, I want to say more but I can’t currently puke out words. You can ask questions, this might make me puke words I haven’t puked here. I will not reply to TheAnonymouseJoker’s comment, since I already know what he will say. Below is the view of Vietnamese people on the “journalists”:

I think you guys have already heard about people who “fight for free speech”, “fight for human rights”, or “journalists”, “fight for civil society”, “fight against Internet censorship”. Those people mostly target socialist states: my Viet Nam, China, … and Muslim states. Basically any state that do not under the control of USA. They spread misinformation about how human rights are violated, how the Internet is censored. For China they even argue about why Beijing should not be the capital (!) They don’t have words about how the country is developed, they only have words for bad things about the country. For example, in the Fall, they can only write how Ha Noi is foul. From then on, they considered themselves “social critics” (!)

As a person living in Viet Nam, I can confirm that most people here rejects the “journalists”. “Most people” means adults with jobs, they don’t care or they are against the “journalists”, they teach their children to keep away from those “social critics”. They know who are “social critics” and they are disgusted with them. Students who haven’t found what they can do to effectively stop those journalist often do personal attack/trolls on the Facebook page of “journalists”. For example, they ask the cringe Viet Tan organization: “Today is 30/4, are you happy?” "I have video about “cong an danh dan” (when writting without diacritics, Viet Tan thought “cong an danh dan” was đánh dân - “police hitting people”) and then they send a video about a police playing piano (đánh đàn)

When covid 19 appeared, many Vietnamese working in USA and Europes have to escape those countries and fly to Viet Nam. Now we all know where is human rights. Definitely not USA. Not europe. I guess the situation is same for Chinese people. Don’t have any information on this.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Just words of extreme nationalists.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

A garbage to run ads again. Everyone already knows the myths and they don't need the same post to pop up every year.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

the phone world is fucked. Use a landline phone :)

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Distributions like RHEL and Debian freeze packages, you will have to use old package when the newer is available. I think these distributions is just for highly mission-critical system, they have to run software smoothly, no breakage. Most personal computer don't need that stability.

Can anyone explain more about what a stable distributions mean?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Why we have to care much about software usage. This is the current issue of linux communities, which decrease user qualities.

Our enemy Microsoft and other "big tech" laugh people like these. They are using linux just like they use windows, even bring the bad, flawed windows culture to linux.

Don't let the enemy to laugh at us.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)


Telling people to just drop Nvidia is delusional

We can tell people that is going to buy a new computer to avoid nvidia :)

It’s Linux desktop contributers problem to fix.

We can't write drivers for platforms that we don't have documentation. linux desktop contributors dropping support for nvidia entirely is not a bad decision, though

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago


Please have a partition for /home. In fact, you need partition for /usr, /var,.. too

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago

It doesn't make any sense.

Why staying on old package for unnecessary stability (that stability is for highly "mission critical" things).

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

Why not put everything in one big partition


A comment: The guy who make that video might be a troll, I reviewed his videos' titles.

And such bullshit is much more accessible in plain text form.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Yeah what the fuck is up with that?

The fuck is, if it is done by EU government it is so normal and good. But if it is done by any socialist government it show dictatorship and lack of freedom.

Are you paid by CIA?

[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

software should work independent of any distro

and you should know how to use your package manager, if you can't, it should be the package manager's issue: too complex

[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Alpine Linux.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

People here's take about why free software ("open source") should be preferred, in my opinion (basically the OpenBSD's opinion) is flawed.

You said "open source" is "good" because it permits having eyes on ("auditing") and make sure there isn't malware.

This is NOT the most important benefit. But it is flawed because, you guys don't even have the knowledge to do coding. You guys are activist/"journalists" working for CIA. So you cannot audit the software yourselves.

Or "open source" but with a bad code style, how can you make sure the code doesn't have backdoors? But I think hilarious journalists that is only smart enough to post fake news about how down is the Russia and China economy can't even write bad code.

"open source" is good, firstly, because it permits auditing the source code and find the bugs, replace flawed/bad code with safer alternative (for example, the advantage of an open-source C software when porting to OpenBSD is they can replace every occurrence of strcat/strcpy with safer strlcat/strlcpy), sandbox it (on OpenBSD, with pledge and unveil), do privileges separation and revocation, etc.

And I think "you can make sure there isn't malware/backdoors" is the second benefit, NEVER THE FIRST.

Conclusion: Do not blindly trust what is "open source" when you can't even do code auditing.

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