submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[servo] [webengine]This month in Servo: tabbed browsing, Windows buffs, devtools, and more!


OP : [email protected]

This month in Servo…

📂📄 tabbed browsing support
📐🎮 flexbox and WebXR enabled by default
🐑🎲 structuredClone() and randomUUID()
🏭🤖 faster Windows CI builds
🌲🎨 HTML and CSS devtools

#Servo #Webengine #Rust

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EN : Cardo is a podcast player, inspired on Android's Antennapod. Cardo could be synchonized with Antennapod and other apps using Nextcloud Gppoder.

FR : Cardo est un lecteur de podcasts, inspiré de l'Antennapod d'Android. Cardo peut être synchronisé avec Antennapod et d'autres applications en utilisant Nextcloud Gppoder.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  • 🎲 Voyez rapidement le nombre de parties où c'est à votre tour.
  • 🎲 Affichez vos parties en cours et les rejoindre directement à partir de l'extension.
  • 🎲 Affichez les invitations en attentes.
  • 🎲 Affichez les tournois auxquels vous êtes inscrit.
  • 🎲 Ajoute un menu vertical pourcertains jeux sur le bord gauche de l'écran pour naviguer facilement entre les tableaux des différents joueurs.
  • 🎲 Ajoute une option permettant d'activer/désactiver dans le journal de jeu les messages indiquant que vos amis se connectent et se déconnectent.
  • 🎲 Ajoute une option permettant d'afficher le journal de jeu et les panneaux des joueurs dans un menu flottant à droite. Ce qui vous permet de gagner de la place pour le jeu lui même si votre écran est trop petit.
  • 🎲 Ajoute un bouton permettant de "supprimer" un jeu, ce bouton apparaît à coté du bouton permettant de démarrer le jeu dans la liste des jeux. Les jeux supprimés n'apparaissent plus dans la liste des jeux et dans le lobby. (Il est possible d'annuler la suppression d'un jeu sur l'écran des options de l'extension).
  • 🎲 Ajoute un icône, dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran, permettant de cacher/afficher le chat global.
  • 🎲Ajoute un mode sombre pour l'ensemble du site.

EN :

  • 🎲 Quickly see how many games it's your turn to play.
  • 🎲 View your current games and join them directly from the extension.
  • 🎲 View pending invitations.
  • 🎲 View your registered tournaments.
  • 🎲 Add a vertical menu for certain games on the left edge of the screen to navigate easily between the tables of different players.
  • 🎲 Adds an option to enable/disable messages in the game log indicating that your friends are connecting and disconnecting.
  • 🎲 Adds an option to display the game log and player panels in a floating menu on the right. This saves space for the game itself if your screen is too small.
  • 🎲 Adds a button for “deleting” a game, which appears next to the button for starting the game in the game list. Deleted games no longer appear in the game list or lobby (you can cancel game deletion in the extension options screen).
  • 🎲 Adds an icon, in the top right-hand corner of the screen, to hide/show global chat.
  • 🎲Add a dark mode for the entire site.
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://jlai.lu/post/9835471

POur jouer à tous vos anciens jeux flash avec une techno enfin remise au goût du jour. ;)

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:56 What is Vanilla OS?
  • 02:47 App Compatibility
  • 06:52 Updates and maintenance
  • 09:20 Reproducibility and automation
  • 11:14 How does it compare?
  • 14:19 Sponsor: Tuxedo Computers
  • 15:19 Support the channel

Vanilla OS is what we would call an immutable system, meaning the base system is mostly read only by default, and updated after a reboot.

You can still install packages onto that base system, from the Debian repos, as Vanilla OS is based on a snapshot of Debian Sid. You can use any system tool that lets you change configurations, and you can still edit some config files.

So, Vanilla OS was already using the principle of distro containers, letting you create an Arch, an OpenSUSE, and a Fedora container on the fly, and install packages in any of these through a single package manager, called APX. It also of course supported Flatpaks, as that's how you'll install your software on the base system.

But this time around, they added Android app support as well. The way it works, is, of course, through Waydroid, but they've integrated it pretty well. You can simply download an APK, and double click it, to bring a graphical installer that will add this app to your applications menu.

Apart from that, you still have access to all the distro containers that Vanilla OS already had: you can create one graphically, or using the APX package manager tool, and you can see the list of programs that have been installed in each container.

The new version of APX is also more flexible, it lets you add not only distributions, but also just other package managers. If you want to add support for pacman, you can just add that, and APX will create the right distro container for you.

Vanilla OS 2 also comes with a new "smart updates" system. This is a fancy name to say "we won't download and install updates while you're working".

Smart updates just mean that the partition you're not currently using isn't getting updates while you're working or using the PC, because that would divert resources from what you're doing.

System updates are basically just snapshots of Debian Sid, that have been compiled into an OCI image that is tested by the Vanilla OS devs. Once it's ready, they'll ship it to all Vanilla OS systems, and your currently unused partition is replaced by this image, and all the customizations you've applied are of course applied to this new image as well.

And of course, flatpaks and packages from distro containers are updated normally, like any other distro.

The other major change for Vanilla OS is the addition of some NixOS like features, namely the ability to create descriptive files to reproduce your system.

There's a new tool called Vanilla Image Builder, or Vib. This lets you create a Vanilla OS Image, with a bunch of customizations already added to it. You can add specific packages, drivers, codecs, but you can also add commands that need to be run, change some configurations, and more.

The project is actually wider than just Vanilla OS images, it also lets you create container images for specific applications, by specifying a distro base. Basically lets you create Docker images.

In terms of automation, Vanilla OS comes with VSO, for Vanilla System Operator. This lets you create tasks that have conditions, and instructions. If the conditions are met, the instructions are ran. These conditions include disconnecting from the network, when you're on low battery, when a specific process starts, when a new device is connected or disconnected, when your CPU usage is high, or others, and you can also specificy a script or a command as the condition.

VSO is actually more than just a task automation system, it also lets you manage the Waydroid subsystem, export applications from a distro container to your system's applications list, so you can run it in one click, it handles sideloading of APKs and DEB packages, and more.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Je viens presque à regretter le jeudi jeu 😭

Webcomic open sources (www.peppercarrot.com)
submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tout est open source, logiciels utilisés, les sources de la BD et la BD elle-même.

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

FR : App Android filmant en arrière plan et sans coupure, options personnalisables.

EN : Seamless background video recorder for Android – ad-free and open-source, with customizable options.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

FR : Utilisez votre microphone comme outil de surveillance et sauvegarder les 30 minutes dernières en cas de besoin. Typiquement lorsque vous entrez en salle de réunion avec votre boss ou des RH.

EN : Use your phone as a dashcam and save the last 30 minutes when you need them. E.g HR & boss meetings

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://piefed.social/post/189492

Just a quick note to recognize that the first lines of PieFed code were published on the 28th July 2023, just over a year ago. Since then there have been 1400+ changes made by 9 people, involving adding 88,000 lines of code and removing 28,000 lines. The issue queue has 98 open and 99 closed issues.

While join.piefed.social went live in October 2023, it wasn't until time off work over the christmas holidays enabled a big push to get it ready that piefed.social went live on 4th January 2024.

Since then piefed.social has federated 190k posts, 2.3M comments and 19M votes with 1900 other instances of various types. Besides piefed.social there are 5 other PieFed instances that I know of.

What a year it's been! I've grown significantly as a developer, had a lot of fun and hopefully contributed something meaningful to whatever the fediverse is becoming. Long may it continue!

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pour une juste rénumération du numérique libre : copie publique



[email protected] - Avez-vous entendu parler de Copie Publique ?

Nous sommes un ensemble d'entreprises (y compris d'entreprises individuelles !) qui avons décidé de redistribuer une partie de notre chiffre d'affaire pour financer le logiciel libre.

Si vous êtes curieux⋅euse, et/ou que vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, toutes les infos sont là :


#copiepublique #logicielLibre

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Podcast : Libre à vous : Le deuxième texte


Le deuxième texte : retranscrire, mettre en valeur et partager des textes de femmes via les communs numériques, ce sera le sujet principal de l’émission du jour.

Avec également au programme la chronique « La pituite de Luk » sur le thème « Médias hostiles » et la chronique « Le libre et la sobriété énergétique » de Vincent Calame sur le thème « Éloge de la lenteur ».

#April #LibreàVous #DeuxièmeTexte #Féminisme #Autrice

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Intros, une app Nextcloud pour faciliter la prise en main de Framaspace


Le projet Framaspace propose, à ce jour, un espace cloud (fichiers, agendas, contacts, wiki, kanban, etc) à plus de 1 200 associations et collectifs. C’est autant d’instances du logiciel libre Nextcloud.

Malheureusement, ce dernier n’est pas toujours très facile à prendre en main, malgré les documentations, les forums, etc.

Framasoft a donc décidé de faire plancher un stagiaire, Val, sur le sujet de l’accompagnement des personnes utilisant Nextcloud pour la première fois. Voici son histoire.

#Nextcloud #NextcloudApp #Framasoft #Intros

[ACTUS] Pixelorama v1.0 is finally out! (orama-interactive.itch.io)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a hotfix to fix the issues with the Local API unable to play videos. Small update today but we'll have more to come later down the line.

view more: next ›

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