submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I almost feel like English should start from scratch with spelling, There are basically no consistent rules at all. I think we should assign spelling to kindergartners who actually follow the rules of English and spell things like they should be spelled.

Quinoa -> Keen-wa

Ballet -> Baal-Eh

Design -> De-zine


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

frothingfash speech-side-l-1 I drive a police interceptor. I'm a COMMUNITY ENFORCEMENT VOLUNTEER! speech-side-l-2

ロ⠀⠀ロ (hexbear.net)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
👁️👃👁️ (upload.wikimedia.org)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Oh Yeah (youtu.be)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm assuming this is somewhat counterproductive but I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to solar so someone who knows more than me can tell me if I'm being dumb.

Also notice the golf course right next to it, very good for the environment.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There must be like 30 golf courses in this area. WHY MUST THERE BE SO MUCH GOLF?

If golfers had their way, every mountain would be blasted and the top would be made into a golf course. We would begin worshiping Golf and erect shrines (country clubs) wherever a perfect fairway would be found.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
HOME - Pyxis (youtu.be)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Close your eyes and listen. What do you see?

[-] [email protected] 75 points 5 months ago

I had high breasts, most of my eggs, plausible deniability when it came to purity, a flush ponytail, a pep in my step that had yet to run out. Apologies to Progress, but older men still desired those things.

dear god this is terrible writing and gross as well

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 50 points 6 months ago

"Israel-Hamas War" is a blatant fucking lie and always has been. From the very beginning Hamas has been the excuse for Israel to attack basically anyone in the Middle East they think they can get away with, including all of Palestine and a few strikes outside as well.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

In January, we flew halfway across the world to visit family in Dubai.

There it is. Why are your family members living in a semi-slave state? The class distinctions reveal themselves.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago

We can't just post our way through this. I can't just post my way through this. I have to do something. What can you even do in a small town, when all the protests are hours away?

[-] [email protected] 73 points 6 months ago

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’” … “The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

-Aaron Bushnell

[-] [email protected] 43 points 6 months ago

Favorite comment so far:

The Houthis are an hereditary cult, why has no one ever attempted to just kill their religious leader and all of his male descendants (as I guess they won't accept females) to prevent heirs so as to cause a succession dispute and possibly disrupt the movement? Rather than restraining aid their don't care about because popular support is not material.

when you have zero idea how martyrs work

[-] [email protected] 46 points 7 months ago

What the hell is this chart? Why did they just skip 3 years of data??

[-] [email protected] 45 points 8 months ago

That's one of the reasons why they were banned on that channel

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 year ago

The best way to defend your home is to stop the bombs from falling on it. Unless you're not talking about people's homes, families, and friends, but rather talking about some arbitrary line in the sand that people should be sent to die for.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Inb4 "acksually killing thousands over lines in the sand is good" rhetoric

[-] [email protected] 76 points 1 year ago

Fears of peace talks

What kind of bullshit Orwellian headline is this? Peace is GOOD, stopping the bloodshed is GOOD. We WANT less people to die.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 year ago

Yes, the highways that serve as the beacon of Capitalist freedom are also socialist; they're funded by taxes.

Socialism is when the government does stuff

Socialism is an aquarium within which the communist fish (communist nations) are dead but the capitalist fish (corporations) are the tiny fish feeding of the remaining government fish (the modern globalized nations of the world, regardless of stability, technology or form of government), which vary in health and size but are generally bigger and healthier than the capitalist fish... Except day by day the government fish get thinner and weaker and certain corporate fish get fat off the blood they leech. The blood is tax-funded resources like health care, and the capitalist fish which aren't growing fat off the government fish are the charities, unions and the average persons who collect food for and pick parasites off the skin of the government fish.

jesse-wtf Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

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