[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

I get the stress of dealing with impatient dickheads behind you, but you should absolutely be erring on the side of caution. If you think it might be a school day, slow the fuck down. School zones are generally what, a couple hundred metres? The impatient wankers in their emotional support vehicles can wait a few extra seconds.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

The replacement's job isn't to fix the problems, just to make it seem like they're doing something.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

Good. A two-party system is a terrible way to do things. Having a third party like the Greens with the balance of power helps ensure that either of the other two parties can't just force through any legislation that serves their own interests.

Imagine what would happen if the LNP managed to get in but had to deal with the Greens. They'd probably implode (or just start making deals with Labor.) Either way it'd be a win.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago

One could hope that the reason is that they've never actually had a need to (i.e., Landlords/agents have always done the right thing when instructed to by the RTA) but last I checked this wasn't a fantasy world, so I'd say your assumption is correct.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

My only issue with IV is that Niko's constant agonising over not wanting to kill people anymore is at odds with the general gameplay of GTA; a game where you'll probably end up killing at least one innocent person on your way to the mission, let alone the dozen or so cops/criminals you'll kill during the mission.

The ending really got me though. On my first playthrough I drove around the city for at least an hour real-time trying to decide what to do.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

I suspect your frame of reference for this might be from somewhere other than Australia. Neither one has groceries in Australia, other than a small selection of snacks.

That said, almost every shopping centre where you get one of the big supermarkets, you'll also get at least a Kmart or Target.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

I've never understood why people get so upset about being forced to wear helmets. Why take a risk when it comes to what is arguably the most important part of your body? Even if you're a perfect cyclist who will never fall over (and will never suffer any kind of mechanical failure, like the seat on my bike that broke off while I was riding down a hill) it's still a sensible precaution and worth some minor inconvenience like having to bring a helmet with you or leave it attached to the bike.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Selfishness, stupidity, impatience.

I drove the same stretch of road twice today, and both times a dickhead in a larger than necessary vehicle was aggressively driving behind me, and as soon as a second lane started to open up they zoomed around me. The second one didn't even wait for the dotted lines; he went around as soon as there was enough space.
In both cases they immediately got stuck at the same red light, and in both cases I was about two seconds away from moving into the right turn lane when that opened up. The only result of driving like that was raising their own stress levels (and mine a tiny bit.)

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Will you sacrifice the quality of your kids education for the greater good?

History, cause we have seen all this before, says you won’t.

Your question implies that I wouldn't believe they could get a good enough education at a public school (which frankly says more about you.) If I were to have another child and needed to send them to school, I would absolutely send them to a public school, even if I could afford the "best" private schools.

So while I reject your assertion that it's as cut and dried as 'private school=better,' the answer is yes. I would.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

Yeah, and if parents want their kids to go to the private schools, let the damn parents pay for it. Not the government. The entire point is for the lion's share of government funding to go to schools open to all (or at least all students within a catchment area) and who are bound to adhere to the same rules as every other government-funded school.

Private schools are already charging extra. Let them charge more. The only change is that those parents who do want to send their kids to private school will either have to pay the extra or accept that their kids will have to go to a public school.

The fundamental issue of education is that if a school can choose its students, it will be a better school.

It ultimately comes down to funding. Pretty much all of those 'better' public schools have more money than the others, mostly due to being in higher income areas and having parents who are able to contribute more, give to fundraisers, etc.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Custard are awesome, but a community just for them seems unnecessary, given how small the user base is. An Aussie music community might be a good idea, though.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

While it's true that EVs are generally heavier than equivalent ICE vehicles, it doesn't actually make much difference. Heavy trucks account for the vast majority of road wear and tear. Even a comparatively heavy EV doesn't weigh anywhere near as much as a truck.

The "EVs will wear the roads out!" argument is generally trotted out by people who have been influenced by those who have a vested interest in keeping ICE around.

It's true that active transport and PT are better in most respects, its naive to think we'll be getting rid of cars any time soon. When people do need to drive, an EV is always a better choice from an environmental standpoint.

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