This is in regards to her post:
First I want to point out the last paragraph in Gamestop's response:
The false and misleading statements described above relate to the Proposal's fundamental purpose - that the Company discontinue its DirectStock Plan and choose a new transfer agent
The proposal was to choose a new transfer agent. It wasn't an inquiry about the difference between book and plan. Platinum Sparkles lied and twisted the response into a book versus plan thing.
Secondly I want to point out this paragraph in Gamestop's response:
The FAQ page explains that Computershare holds only "a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency
This is heat lamp, people. Right here Gamestop is pointing to Computershare's FAQ page and verifies that a portion of DSPP (plan) shares are held by the DTCC. They confirm heat lamp with this sentence in their response!
Platinum Sparkles is a liar. She is deliberately misleading investors in order to attack a DD she doesn't like. But the response from Gamestop confirms the heat lamp DD!
Computershare has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.
The SEC has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.
Gamestop has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.
Heat Lamp is the single most confirmed DD. There is no other DD more rock solid than heat lamp. I don't know what to tell you.
No financial advice, but if you haven't terminated plan and are holding all your shares in pure book, you don't actually own all of your shares.
Book-only was always the... plan ๐