submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Why YSK: I had this experience this morning. I was raging because the "alt + tab" shortcut had changed on my work computer when it worked fine yesterday. Now it opened the task view, but wouldn't switch windows unless I clicked on a different program.

I figured either windows had rolled out some new "feature" or the IT department had changed something without telling anyone. I kept trying different google searches but couldn't find anyone talking about my specific issue. Tried restarting, changing "multitasking" settings, editing the registry.

Finally some old post prompted me to try "windows + tab" and that worked. I discovered the windows and alt tab had been switched. So I tried a different keyboard and it worked fine. Finally I learned that my main keyboard has a "Windows" layout and a "Mac" layout, and somehow I had accidentally switched them.

So I wasted a bunch of time, got upset and was mentally blaming others when the issue was on my end. And one sign I could have used to realize that was that apparently in the whole world of internet search results I was the only one experiencing the issue.

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[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

More and more I get to be the first person in the world with a specific problem, because no one else has used this tech with this environment configuration. Developing a solution is sometimes satisfying, but it's sometimes hard explaining to the PM / customer why such a seemingly simple thing can take months to implement.

this post was submitted on 07 Feb 2024
137 points (93.1% liked)

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