I am interested in developing a consistent rating method for movies (and tv series).
I found https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/aeb0ce/how_do_you_rate_movies/ there are some nice comments/ methods and I think I may not achieve a consistent rating method for myself. Simply because I may think that some cool and innovative technique is cool today won't be cool tomorrow anymore.
Moreover, I don't like a movie like Avater anymore, which I liked 14 years ago, my taste is different today. And Avatar isn't as impressive today like it was 14 years ago. Should my disliking of the weird sci-fi characters influence the rating or should I look at professionally and rate it on what the movie ought to be.
On a good day I may sit through a lengthy movie, on another day I won't.
What's your take on it?
Five simple categories: