This comic is part of an ongoing story that might make more sense with full context.
This is the first comic in the story.
Next comic in this story.
(original comment preserved here as many people responded to it.)
Uhh... Assuming everyone is still happy with these comics, Konsi's comics devolved into more of an ongoing story at this point. There's still DnD related jokes in all of them though. I'll make sure to link them to each other in these comments so people here can follow along.
12th (or 11th?) level and we have met two paladins. Both total arseholes. Funny thing is that my cleric have become a paladin in spirit and behaviour. Smite the hordes of chaos first, ask questions later. And if you don't actively work against the hordes you are aiding them. Going into villain territory soon with his fantaticism.
That can’t be right, they’re your pal by the fist syllable of their name!
So are paleontologists and them I would buy a beer. And palsy isn't something you wish on your pals, but on paladins.
At 10th level, Konsi has now met two paladins, and she likes them both very much.
Konsi likes everyone very much.