this post was submitted on 11 Aug 2023
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c/photography is a community centered on the practice of amateur and professional photography. You can come here to discuss the gear, the technique and the culture related to the art of photography. You can also share your work, appreciate the others' and constructively critique each others work.

Please, be sure to read the rules before posting.


  1. Be nice to each other

This Lemmy Community is open to civil, friendly discussion about our common interest, photography. Excessively rude, mean, unfriendly, or hostile conduct is not permitted.

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All discussion threads must be photography related such as latest gear or art news, gear acquisition advices, photography related questions, etc...

  1. No politics or religion

This Lemmy Community is about photography and discussion around photography, not religion or politics.

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All is in the title. This is a casual discussion community.

  1. No spam or self-promotion

One post, one photo in the limit of 3 pictures in a 24 hours timespan. Do not flood the community with your pictures. Be patient, select your best work, and enjoy.

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The aim of this community is to invite everyone to discuss around your photography. If you drop everything with one link, this become pointless. Portfolio posts will be deleted. You can however share your portfolio link in the comment section if another member wants to see more of your work.

founded 4 years ago

I'm sure a lot of regular photographic techniques apply, but what might be some specifics to keep in mind with smartphone cameras in particular?

For example, would camera app choice make much difference, or is stock preferred as being more likely to have the most access to the camera's hardware/sensors? What are some ways to mitigate or prevent any automatic "improvements" to photos taken via smartphone outside of whatever simple settings stock camera apps may provide?

Regarding that last question, might that be the breaking point where one might prefer a more dedicated camera over a smartphone's camera?

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I think the app can make a different, but not always. I used to have like 5 different camera apps because each did something a little different. Ultimately, it's you and the phone that matter. Some phones will take shitty photos no matter what you do. Some people take shitty photos no matter what they do. The more you know how your gear works and where it falls short and where it excels, the better your photos will be. And do some post processing: never accept something without giving it some polish.