:rotating_light: We have emoji! :arrow_left:
I like emoji, I like them quite a bit. I grew up using emoticons (gosh, remember those?), and definitely love to sprinkle them in my forum responses.
If you've been following me since I've been contributing to the fediverse, you might've thought I eschewed emoji, but let's put that misconception to rest :laughing:
Thanks to the hard work by @PitaJ, NodeBB now federates emoji used in posts outward to remote instances. This works across all emoji packs (android, apple, cubicopp, etc.) available to the emoji plugin, and also includes custom added emoji :arrow_right: :voodoo:
This is a two-way integration, so custom emoji served by other instances are also picked up by NodeBB and displayed properly in posts.
You might notice that the emoji I use are all blobs. :smile: It's the default emoji set for all NodeBB instances, because blobs are amazing and it's a travesty Google decided to move away from them.
Long live the blobmoji :flushed:
@julian ah, makes sense. thanks for the reply!