this post was submitted on 09 Nov 2024
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10 users here now

This is the "official" Fediverse community for all things pro wrestling!

Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome.

Please ensure you have NSFW posts enabled or you may miss out on some threads. Bots are not used in this community.

Rules: (Click to expand)

1. Be Civil.

Users are expected to be civil and inclusive towards one another at all times. Remember the person on the other side of the screen. Hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other inflammatory language is prohibited.

2. Keep content related to wrestling.

Any content posted should at least be related to pro wrestling somehow.

3. Spoilers.

Do not spoil events for people. If an event is going on, please keep discussion contained to the/a discussion thread for 24h after the event. Do not post spoilers in titles during this period. Use the spoiler function when you need to, it's there for a reason. Should your post involve a url to a spoiler (Twitter, YouTube video, etc) please mark the thread as NSFW as well so thumbnails are blurred.

4. Vague/Editorialized Title.

Please keep the titles of any articles you post clear, understandable, and indicative of what the article states within. It's ok to alter the title if the original is clickbait and confusing, or contains a spoiler like a debut that just occurred that day, but do not add your own thoughts to it.

5. Sexualized Content/'Plot'.

Please do not post any pornographic, 'creep shot', or similar adult-related material to the community (regardless of connection to wrestling). Wrestling content that involves sexualized content (in storylines/matches/promos) is fine, as well as photo's wrestlers post to their own social medias. Butt-shots you take with your cell phone at a house show aren't.

6. Banned Source(s).

Due not necessarily to the content of their reporting, but to their harassing and doxxing of users, the following news sources, journalists, and content creators are not permitted to be posted on SquaredCircle in any context - including direct links, articles, social media, and reports that cite only those sources:

  • WrestleVotes
  • RingSideNews
  • Brad Shepard
  • Billi Bhatti and "The Dirty Sheets"
  • Any post or article citing one of the above as a primary source.

Useful Links:

Wrestling Promotions: (Click to expand)

US/Can/Euro πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

-Reality of Wrestling
-NORTH Wrestling
-Mystery Wrestling
-Maple Leaf Pro
-Burning Heart
-Mission Pro

Japan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅

-Gatoh Move
-SPARK Joshi
-Pro Wrestling Wave
-Actwres girl'Z
-Ice Ribbon
-Oz Academy
-Sendai Girls'

Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½


Uganda πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬


Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

'The Dirt Sheets':

-Denise Salcedo

Other Related Websites:

-Kayfabe News
-Pro Wrestling Tees
-SquaredCircle on Reddit
-Kim Justice's Wrestling Road

founded 8 months ago

For those unaware, ever since the US Presidential Election there has been a mass exodus of users from Twitter/X over towards Bluesky and this also includes several pro wrestlers, wrestling media and promotions beginning to use Bluesky as their official social media of choice.

For those who are on Bluesky, ImADifferentBird has put together a starter pack of Bluesky users who are part of this 'Wrestlesky' community, and there are several others as well.

There are currently several pro wrestling feeds on Bluesky, listed below:

Primary pro wrestling feed

Puroresu feed

Joshi feed

Wrestling art

To date, AEW and TNA have both joined (ROH too but they aren't active yet) and we've been seeing a big influx of pro wrestlers coming in and reactivating old accounts or creating brand new ones.

Should there be any wrestlers or anyone else you want to point out specifically, drop the info in the comments below (and/or recommend them to the maintainers of any starter packs if they aren't listed).

Hopefully we'll be able to do away with posting twitter links entirely soon!

Edit: EVE, NJPW, and Maple Leaf Pro have all also joined!

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I’m still kinda wrapping my head around the feeds and all the emoji use, but it’s pretty nice over there. I’ve found some of y’all and so many accounts I used to follow on Twitter years ago. The blocking situation is great too.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

To clarify (in full, for anyone else as well who may need or want it):

On Bluesky there is (almost) no algorithm. Only real place you'll find one is the Discover feed (you can click "Show me more/less of this" on each item and it generates things to show you based on your interactions). And your Following feed (which is self explanatory).

Every other feed is populated via specific keywords, hashtags, or emoji.

For the main wrestling feed:

Please tag posts with #prowrestling,🀼,#wrestlesky,πŸ€Όβ€β™€οΈ,πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ, or #LuchaLibre to get them to show up. >Using tags for the following promotions will also show up: #aew,#wwe,#NJPW,#ROH,#Impact,#GCW,#TJPW,#ECW,#WCW, #AJPW, #DDT, #NOAH, #STARDOM

Just saying the words without the hashtags also seems to work but ymmv. Most have taken to using the πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ as the default "put this in the wrestling feed" option since its quick and faster than any of the others.

Similar things are applicable in other feeds, πŸ“Ί and πŸŽ₯ put your skeet into the tv or movie feed for example, if you say "doctor who" your skeet will end up in the Doctor Who feed regardless of if you say "Doctor Who is a great show" or "I hate my doctor who tried to fuck with my prescriptions", so there can be some hits or misses lol.

As for the blocks, oh yeah 100%. The blocks on BS are nuclear. Block someone and they are gone from your life, no buts, no caveats, just gone. BS already has a bunch of idiots on it like jdfromny, cornette himself, and a bunch of shit stirrers. Tons of people have been passing around blocklists filled with these nutters and the wrestlesky community's agreed upon approach so far is: "block early and block fast", so the nutters end up getting easily segregated into their own little corner where they're cut off from the actual wrestling community as a whole.

Plus I love the sites technical details, I can hit the back button 3-4x between threads and never get that sorry-we-lost-how-far-down-the-page-you-were-so-start-at-the-top-you-stupid-bitch problem so many websites give you which I appreciate.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Thank you for all the extra info!

My experiences here, on Mastodon, and now BlueSky have been so positive with people freely offering tips and advice like this. For a long time I’d kinda thought the internet was just shit.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

And more: If you search my profile on BS (same name), i retweeted a day or two ago a thread with 5-6 blocklists for maga/trolls/musk nutters/cryptobros/scammers/NFT fuckers, and search 'wrestling blocklist' you'll find 1-3 with wrestling jackasses too

A lot of the internet sadly is shit, but we just gotta relearn the old ways to improve it again. We always had ways to find what we needed, we just got complacent with the methods that were easiest to have spoonfed to us and stopped putting in effort to find better options. Since the pandemic people have been smartening up bit by bit, and a big move like this T>BS deal goes a long way to helping that.