this post was submitted on 31 Oct 2024
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Yesterday’s (Oct. 30) Fright Night episode of Dynamite included another great match from the Young Bucks, where they dropped the AEW world tag team titles to Private Party.

There was an angle later in the show where Matthew and Nicholas Jackson were seen shredding documents in their locker room while they were packing up their belongings. As they left the building, the Bucks said things are too chaotic in AEW right now and they will be working from home.

The idea is that the EVPs are cowards who are abandoning AEW even though the company really needs them to help in the war against Jon Moxley’s army. To emphasize that point, the Bucks left Brandon Cutler behind, and Moxley’s gang immediately broke his hand with a hammer.

A follow-up report about this angle from PW Insider indicates it will be a while before we see the Young Bucks back on AEW television:

“Yes, last night was the end of the current Young Bucks storyline. We are told they are not planned to return to TV for some time...NO, they are not done with the company. They signed a new AEW deal awhile back, which was announced publicly at the time.”

The Young Bucks have been on AEW television quite a lot since August, after their sporadic appearances and limited dates contract came under scrutiny earlier in the summer. But it sounds like they will be going on hiatus now, which begs the question, when is it Chris Jericho’s turn to follow suit?

There is a rumor that The Elite may be turning babyface sometime down the line to fight back against Moxley, but I don’t think that will happen as soon as the Bucks come back from hiatus because Kenny Omega still has to make them pay for turning on him. The Elite recently mocked Omega on his birthday, and one of the Bucks even used Omega’s one-winged angel finishing maneuver in last night’s match. It seems like there’s potential for a Young Bucks vs. Kenny Omega & Hiroshi Tanahashi match at Wrestle Dynasty in January, for what it’s worth.

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[–] [email protected] -3 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

Shitty clickbait headline. They're just going to be off TV for a while.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Shitty clickbait headline. They’re just going to be off TV for a while.

hiatus /hī-ā′təs/

  1. A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break.

  2. A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive.

  3. A separation, aperture, fissure, or short passage in an organ or body part.

Nothing clickbaity at all about the title, they are literally going on a hiatus, it's the definition of the word lmao.