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At a local show I went to, they had a dragged to hell match.
It was basicay a bunch of extras in masks hiding under the ring. If you fall out of the ring they try to grab you and pull you under. You have to get back in the ring quickly.
The person that gets dragged under the ring loses.
It was fun and they added lots of fog. I wish I could find a video of it.
Edit: I found a fan video but itβs from the worst angle and you donβt see the demons under the ring. But you get the gist of it. I donβt think the company put out the video for it yet.
How has WWE never done this with the Undertaker???
Found a fan video from bad angle. Loud screaming warning
Oh my god. I CANNOT stop laughing at this.
When the video first starts, you get the impression that it will be 50-100 people in the crowd. Then they pan over during the entrance, and there's at least 1000 people, but 90% probably can't see shit.
And it's just a dude with a JC Penny collection towel on his head. Then he takes it off, and it's just a comically bad halloween mask.
Then the other guy comes out, and his face paint actually looks really good. But he's joined by the ensamble cast of extras, straight from your local haunted corn maze attraction.
The whole thing is sponsered by Spirit Halloween. I mean, I assume anyways.
Then a fog machine starts, all of this with the lights ON mind you! And the screaming woman is WAAAAAAAAY more enthusiastic about a guy just standing in the ring doing nothing, than I ever have been for anything in my life.
I was going to make the joke that these people must be COMPLETELY wasted. Then I saw the banner. Bash at the Brew. Sooooo, they actually ARE super wasted.
And then I saw the video title. I was expecting this happened late last October. To go along with the Halloween theme.
Nope. This was August of this year. I can't even make it to the start of the match. I'm just laughing so hard at EVERYTHING. Its all just so great unintentional comedy. I keep expecting the camera to pan over, and Jim Halpert to just look at the camera...
Hey, the promotion finally released the video today. The dragged to hell match, but from the company itself instead of the shitty angle from before
That sounds amazing!
Found a fan video from a bad angle. Would put the volume down a bit since they just scream into the mic most of the match.
Hey, the promotion finally released the video today. The dragged to hell match, but from the company itself instead of the shitty angle from before
Oh hell yeah!!!!
Sounds like a great alternative to the standard lumberjack match!