this post was submitted on 01 Oct 2024
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The committee alleges that de la Torre and Steward executives reaped millions in personal profits by hollowing out the health care facilities, even selling the land out from under them. The mismanagement left them so financially burdened that one doctor in a Steward-owned hospital in Louisiana said they were forced to perform "third-world medicine." A lawmaker in that state who investigated the conditions at the hospital described Steward executives as "health care terrorists."

Further, the financial strain on the hospitals is alleged to have led to the preventable deaths of 15 patients and put more than 2,000 other patients in "immediate peril." As hospitals cut services, closed wards, or shuttered entirely, hundreds of health care workers were laid off, and communities were left without access to care. Nurses who remained in faltering facilities testified of harrowing conditions, including running out of basic supplies like beds. In one Massachusetts hospital, nurses were forced to place the remains of newborns in cardboard shipping boxes because Steward failed to pay a vendor for bereavement boxes.

In the lawsuit filed today, de la Torre argues that the senators are attempting to punish him for invoking his constitutional rights and that the hearing "was simply a device for the Committee to attack [him] and try to publicly humiliate and condemn him."

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I think it's not an exaggeration to say the consequences of privatized health care are devastating.

Despite being an expected outcome, this remains very sad news.