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wait what???
Yeah, apparently he decided to go hard alt-right at some point. Apparently with nothing better to do now that he's retired from Minecraft development, he amuses himself by posting racist, anti-LGBT, and QAnon horseshit.
So much so that Microsoft actually removed him from the credits.
I am pretty sure he is still in the credits. They just removed random references to him in the splash texts, including an outdated one about his ex wife
That's wild that they try to change history like that, he was literally the sole developer of the original game, creating it entirely for a programming competition right? Even if he's following stupid conspiracies you shouldn't be trying to change history to suit your narrative, that's something actual racists try to do.
I mean, it’s not like notch’s contributions to the game are hidden or something. It’s extremely common knowledge. And no one reads the Minecraft credits anyway, the entire scroll is more than an hour long!
he's a Nazi. the dude was not welcome at the 10 year anniversary event for Minecraft.
unfortunately due to tweets being deleted i can't give you the list i used to have but here are some samples:
here he was quote tweeting a tweet with a mention of (((they))) which is literally Nazi shit https://twitter.com/notch/status/1070773433045143557
i don't know what's with the combination of being swedish, videogames, wealth and a cunt personality but it seems to result in Nazism.
The first link you provide reads "it's okay to be white" that's your best example of "literal Nazi shit"? The rest are all the same, not racist at all. Then, he goes into supporting conspiracies on "Pizzagate" and "Q" which idk if he even really supports or is just making fun of because it's a random tweet your linking, but even if he does those conspiracies are anti-media and slandering elite rich pedo rings right?
Calling him a literal Nazi and showing this benign shit as your proof just makes me think you're one of those radical people who call everyone a Nazi.
dude fuck off this isn't 2016 anymore this song and dance won't work. people aren't stupid. and more importantly you guys aren't clever.
I'm not sure if I'm way out of the loop or you're a schizophrenic? Who is "you guys" I am just saying what I think is true, I don't care about Notch, I am fully in support of ending racism and inequality too, but I've got no idea how you can link what you have and think that's "literal Nazi" talk. It's antisocial dork talk at best.
assuming you're genuine, you're wrong. it is Nazi talk. maybe you're too young and wasn't aware of anything back then, or you were in a coma... i guess there are scenarios in which you wouldn't know this.
words don't have inherent meaning. they have meaning in context. even the n-word wouldn't be offensive without the history that comes with it.
Nazi talk is not "i am a Nazi and i hate Jews and so many other minorities". well i guess that would be too, but usually it's more coded. sometimes literally.