It used to be the Greatest advancement in Microsoft's purchased software ever! Plus teams...
Now I got One Note which should be renamed "Several Notes"
There's the one from the browser, the one from One Note student version, the pro version, the purple tab version, the gray tab version etc. and you can make any of them look different. You can have vertical tabs or horizontal tabs. It's like Linux except there's no actual functionality difference, it's just so different that you can't fucking follow what anyone else did on the same exact page. In the browser it might be highlighted with Roman Times font, yours might look like Arial font with no highlight but the background is light blue.
Anyway the app is a total trainwreck. It's still very useful but it's less effective if the thing looks and behaves so different that I don't understand where we're at on the page each time a member of my team presents it via teams.....
and thanks Microsoft for not having a simple button to maximize the page being presented. 5 minutes off every meeting is spent figuring out how to maximize the God damn content followed by or preceding a good 10 minutes of figuring out which is the mic or sound card or monitor you're supposed to be presenting on, followed by ...can you see it yet? Can you hear me? Can I hear them, I'll just rejoin, can you make it bigger? You can make it bigger if you remove the waste of space that is the big ass blocks with everyone's name on them! Ok how? Click here! No, go to view. I swear I've noticed it under preferences! No this is the browser version! Why can't It just install it on everyone's computer and all presentation rooms? Blah blah...ok we're ready to present but we're 5 minutes over. Thanks everyone who came!
Thanks bye!...bye!, bye! Bye guys!..... Hold on. A sec I didn't even come! What kind of company is this? The slide wasn't even that sort of material that makes me come. Well fine bye! I'll just come later to the Sears catalog.....who was that guy? It will check!
All joiners leave the meeting, the stage closes it's curtains abruptly....a woman still crying in the back corner...mhaaa! It's so good because it's true!.
They'll do an outlook: cut features from the desktop version until it's exactly the same as the web version, because every interface needs to be a facsimile of the web, right?
It's a lot faster to stick an existing web ui into an electron app than make a true native app.
but they will still push the desktop version hard in the most annoying way possible on the web version.
because reasons.