The "Backlash" to Plant-Based Meat Has a Sneaky, if Not Surprising, Explanation
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I think that's a fair point, but a tough one. Here's my problem with it. I've watched a lot of his stuff, and his videos on meat/vegan seem to be by far the most impactful. In fact, I have noticed an incredibly high impact rate on otherwise obscure people who publish content anywhere on the spectrum of that particular topic.
Maybe there is a prejudicial bias, but it seems at least as likely to me that he just started posting more content on that same topic as made him money/viewers. Note, I didn't say "conclusions that made money" because I think he'd have succeeded equally if his videos concluded the opposite.
But I also have a problem with likening high protein stuff with "meat lifestyle". Ketogenic diets are the single biggest explosion in health these days. I have a close friend who is a nutritionist who is obsessed with it. I had family go to dietary counselling and it's the first item on their list. You can't walk 5 feet without people talking about how it is salvation or suicide. But despite the fact that meat is almost a critical necessity to make it work, it's not a diet about meat. Further, I'd like to remind you that ketogenics (and not anti-veganism) are even more of an obsession with fitness/health extremists. I'm sure I totally telegraphed my next point. If you look at the other 50% of his content, a lot of it is exactly that.
I will say, if I had any red flags about him, they would come from his interviews with conservative personalities. I've noticed, unfortunately often, an uncomfortable correlation between conservativism and anti-veganism (I have become opposed to veganism, but am as far from a conservative as you can get). But I also try to keep political views, even ones I disagree with strongly, out of topics that don't directly seem related to them.